Hey everyone!! We are getting settled here in Virginia and starting to explore. Last weekend we went to the National Arboretum in D.C. It was great and we only saw about a third of it. It is rather large and has a bonsai museum there too. It was also free! So we will definitely be going back to see the other two thirds.

And is from Japan. Wow this tree is older than our country.
This is a Japanese White Pine. We saw many trees that were
a hundred or more years old.

unfortunately we forgot to get his name.

were featured at this festival that is one of the largest wine festivals on the East Coast.
Here I was a volunteer at one of the seminars about aromas in wine and learning
to distinguish what my personal preferences were in wine.
You can only do so much wine tasting then it just becomes too much! There were well over 100 wineries there and when you set your glass down and ask to start with their white wines they will take you through their whole wine list if you let them. After visiting a few booths like that and you can guess my head may have been spinning!