Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Arlington National Cemetary and a visit from George

So this is Arlington National Cemetary. There are approximately 25 burials per weekday that occur here. Our first stop was President JKF site. This is a picture of the eternal flame that is always burning over his gravesite. The house at the top of the hill is Robert Lee's home that was there prior to the creation of Arlington Cemetary. We were able to tour the home and get the background to Robert Lee's history and decision to side with Virginia as they succeeded from the union.

This is probably my favorite spot in the cemetary. This is the amphitheatre that is adjacent to the tomb of the unknown solider.

This is the tomb of the unknown solider, representing those lost in battle. It is gaurded 24/7 and there is changing of the gaurds every hour.

Oh, yea, President Bush came to visit us after our journey to Arlington, hehe. Here is our family photo with George.

Funny story, Autumn found this cardboard cutout of president Bush for her sister as a gift. Autumn, being very anti-bush was rather embarassed to even bring it home on the metro and was afraid she may be attacked, but she arrived home safely, George intact. So that evening we had too much fun with George and he just sort of hung out in our living room!

George delivered our pizza for us.

And George was so kind to try on my first stocking cap I had knitted. We thought it fit him well. The next day we had to figure out how to send George in the mail to Autumn's sister in Idaho, hope he makes it in one piece.

Well our time in DC is now complete with a visit from the president and all.


Jess said...

You guys are silly. :) I miss you.

virginia bed and breakfast said...

All the infrastructure and landscapes shows all the beautiful wonders of,with all the spectacular buildings, great sights and memorable destinations as well.