Yea!! We are very happy to be in Colorado and have already had a great weekend visiting friends and family in the Denver area. Our first week went well, the day we drove in it was snowing. Denver had just finished getting 10 inches and there were places in the mountains getting 40 inches!! Yikes, for our drive though it was mostly a cold rain and the roads were cleared by the time we got here. We waited until the next day to unpack because it was sunny and in the 50's the next day. It was just beautiful. It has taken us a bit to get used to the altitude especially coming straight from sea level, but we finally seem to be rested up and have energy again. We are in an awesome location and are excited to get out and do some hiking and biking. These pictures are from our apartment living room and our deck, how awesome is that view? Last night we were driving home from Colorado Springs in a snow storm! Crazy.

Amy's new job is going good so far, this week will be the test though as this is my first week off orientation. Last monday was stressful, my first day consisted of competency testing that was pass/fail and if you failed, your contract was just cancelled no questions or retakes. So I spent some time researching this test and studying and ended up doing quite well. It was stressful though and the test is not a fun one!! With that behind us we both relaxed just a bit and enjoyed a four day weekend. I start this Tuesday night on my own, this contract will be challenging as I will be working all the Tele and Med Surg units in the hospital and really don't even know where all of them are at the moment. The hospital is very old and the layout is one of the most confusing I have seen. But I am sure I will manage and after a couple of weeks will get the hang of it, like ususal. Fortunately everyone I meet at the hosptial is very helpful and very nice.
So that is what is going on for us. Hope everyone else is enjoying spring!!
Oh my gosh!! It looks SOOO beautiful there with the mountains!!! <3
We miss you guys! I love keeping up on the blog!
Dan, Melissa and Kinsley
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